ReCreate – a novelty in the investment market

Recreate logotip na temno modri podlagi

ReCreate – a consulting company for real estate and investment management, and a novelty in the investment market, needed to build a solid foundation of the brand. In the first phase of cooperation, a recognizable logo was developed and the tone of communication defined, on the basis of which a website in English was designed and created. A transparent website communicates the company's key strengths such as professionalism and integrity and highlights added value as a key benefit to the end user. As a part of the project, a number of printed materials and a room marking system were created.


Recreate d.o.o.


Brand creation

Graphic and web design



Recreate logotip na sivi podlagi
Detajl spletne strani Recreate
Recreate zunanji oglasi za ReThink

In the first phase of cooperation with ReCreate – a consulting company for real estate and investment management, the foundations of the brand were laid and a recognizable logo developed. The tone of the company’s communication was defined, on the basis of which the website in English was then also created. A transparent website communicates the company's key strengths such as professionalism and integrity and highlights added value as a key benefit to the end user. Several printed materials and a room marking system was also designed.

Recreate športni dres
Polepljene plastenke Recreate
Črni Recreate 3D napis na steni
Vizitka Recreate
Recreate posnetek spletne strani za mobilne naprave
Kolaž različnih podstrani Recreate

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