The “O, Kočevsko!” Collective Brand

O, Kočevsko! is a product line consisting of authentic local products that are grown and made in Slovenia’s Kočevsko region. The main vision and aim of the new collective brand is to highlight the relationship to nature and its gifts, which has been maintained by the local artisans, farmers and restaurateurs for centuries with great passion and respect for tradition. With its one-of-a-kind character and features, the product line provides visitors with the opportunity to experience Kočevsko’s landscape and it greatest added value is that visitors can take home various mementoes to relive the experiences, flavours and nature’s gifts of Slovenia’s mysterious forest-rich region over and over again.
Zavod Kočevsko
Brand creation
Graphic and web design
Communication campaign

A Collective (Sub)brand that Is Expressed through Emotions
By developing the Kočevsko brand, the client wanted to present the experience of all things Kočevsko-related in a tangible, physical way as well. This gave us the opportunity to deepen, expand and frame the existing Kočevsko story as part of the virtues and skills of its most important actors – the locals. The colours, characteristics and advantages of the primary Kočevsko brand have been paired with an experience expressed through the emotional exclamation ‘O’ (oh). This resulted in the ‘O, Kočevsko!’ sub-brand, which is simple, attractive and understandable to everyone. The connection between the two brands is clear and easy to remember and the communication is complementary to the existing promotion of the Kočevsko destination. The concept is adaptable to all types of products that will be added to the range of existing products in the future.

Elements of the Visual Identity That Completes the Overall Experience
Innovatif conceived and designed a packaging and label system for a total of twelve products by local producers and artisans. The logo and colour palette are accompanied by a playful pattern of forest-related motifs, which nicely complements the basic creative design. Since the overall user experience is an important part of purchasing a product, we also designed wrapping paper, a paper bag and a certificate that ties the story as part of the Kočevsko umbrella brand and adds meaning to the O, Kočevsko! sub-brand. Sustainable and authentic.

Authentic local products from Kočevsko
The design and the overall experience of the Kočevsko destination are paired with short descriptions, which – in addition to the primary story – are an integral part of every product. All stories begin with exclamations of excitement. The exclamations are based on recognisable phrases that both Slovenians and English speakers can identify with. When you get to taste the very first sip of beer, you are likely to exclaim, “O(h), this tastes so good!”, or when eating artisanal cheese, you will probably mutter with your mouth full, “O(h), this is so good!". When using or consuming a product, the user experiences an experiential journey to Kočevsko – to its woods and primeval forests, pastures, workshops, welding shops, apiaries and gardens – where excellence and authenticity of local products lie in tradition and local customs.
O(h), this is so good,
when you realise that you can take a little piece of Kočevsko
home with you as a memento of your visit.

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